I am pleased to be included in the forthcoming group exhibitions in support of Art Rosenbaum at the Pearl Fincher Museum of Fine Art in the Huston area. I have know Art and Margo since 1977 in Athens at The University of Georgia. I will have an older work from 1994 titled, The Sorghum Drinker in the show. The exhibition was organized by Gallery Director Lee Matney of the Linda Matney Gallery and the title of the exhibition is, Three Excellences of Culture: Painting, Music, the Work of Art Rosenbuam and Friends. The exhibition opens September 24th and uns through January 14, 2023.
Group Exhibition in Miami
Appalachian Futures Exhibition WVU Library →
I am pleased to have a couple of my Pillar of Dust images included in the Appalachian Futures Regional Artist Respond group exhibition on view at the West Virginia University Library that will run from August 15 through October 15, 2019 and Curated by Sally Deskins.
Locus is Staff Pick of BURNAWAY →
BURNAWAY, the Voice of Art in the South, selected the group exhibition Locus at Piedmont College's Mason-Scharfenstein Museum of Art as one of their Staff Picks.
Locus at Mason-Scharfenstiein Museum of Art
I am pleased to be included in the group exhibition Locus that will be on view at the Mason-Scharfenstein Museum of Art of Piedmont College in Demorest, GA. Curator of the exhibition is John Lee Matney of Linda Matney Gallery, Williamsburg, VA. I will have a selection of my ink on drafting film drawings shown and the dates for the exhibition are May10-June 25, with an opening of June 10th slated.
Obsession, Improvisation, Collaboration →
I am pleased to be included in the group exhibition "Obsession, Improvisation, Collaboration" that will be on view at the Visual Arts Gallery of Governors State University, Curator Jeff Stevenson, Director.