April 25, 2019 I will be featured by the Peninsula Fine Art Center in Newport News, Virginia in an After Dark Film and Artist Talk from 6:30-8:30. The documentary film Work at Hand will be screened as part of this event. This was organized by Lee Matney of the Linda Matney Gallery and Diana Blanchard, Curator of the Art Center.
Video of PechaKucha Presentation
Here is a video of my slide lecture presented at PechaKucha Night Chicago Volume 39 back in September 2016. Introduction is by Chicago Architect Peter Exley.
PechaKucha Chicago Volume 39 Presentation
Shown here is the beginning of my presentation at the recent PechaKucha Chicago Volume 39 where I focused my talk and images on the last six years of my forty year career. The image on screen is of an installation view of my one-person exhibition Alpestrine.